Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had a great Christmas Holiday season.  I spent the two weeks off being sick.  My annual sinus infection.  I managed to get some things done around the house but had very little energy for much of anything. 

Of course my goal was to do some posting of lessons I've tried in the past but I had no brain for writing.  I did manage to sleep a lot.  :) 

In the next few weeks I'll be sharing some thoughts on collage, how I'm teaching it in the classroom, what we are doing exactly, and how things are turning out.  Today is my first day with a series of lessons on collage and after the first two groups (4th and 5th grades) I'm am pleasantly surprised. 

In the meantime, have a great 2011. 

Oh yeah, is it a teacher thing or what but my body manage to get well enough to return to school today.  Why is that?  Did it know it was OK to be sick during break but needed to be well enough by Jan 3?  It's done this to me before.  I'll bet I'm not the only one that has this experience.



  1. Practically every teacher at my school was sick over break, including me. Isn't it fabulous? ;)

  2. I'm still recovering as of this writing. It's crazy how long this stuff holds on!
